Your Ultimate Guide to Hair Masks

The incredible thing about hair is that it comes in all shapes, colors, and forms. However, for that reason, haircare can get quite complicated at times. Especially in the hot summer months our hair loves to rebel against us, making maintenance that much more difficult to weather through. From frizzy hair, to damaged hair, to dry hair, finding the right product for you can feel like running through a maze while BLINDFOLDED! Arganatural is here to help with our brand new hair mask collection! This is your ultimate guide to find the perfect hair mask for you, as well as the do’s and don’t that go along with it:

The Best Hair Mask for Damaged Hair

It’s no secret that while we’re soaking up the rays to get our summer glow, or styling our hair for a night out with the girls, we are causing some major damage. Split ends are a major sign of damaged hair, and unfortunately we’ve all been there. Arganatural’s strengthening keratin hair mask is the perfect solution! This hair mask is packed with essentials, including coconut oil to restore strength and elasticity. We guarantee the keratin mask will work wonders on your damaged hair, and even prevent future breakage!

The Best Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Are you ever having a bad hair day where your strands feel straw-like or even crunchy? This is a sign that your hair is super dry and in desperate need of moisture. Good thing Argantaural’s hydrating argan hair mask does just the trick! With natural argan oil, this mask reverses all signs of dryness and will leave your hair feeling nourished and softer than ever. Say goodbye to bad hair days, and hello to never-ending good ones!

The Best Hair Mask for Weak/Thinning hair

The cause of weak and thinning hair is complicated to pinpoint, as it could be a result of what we do to our hair, the foods we eat, or even genetics. No matter the cause though because we have the solution...Argantural’s thickening biotin hair mask. The secret ingredient is natural castor oil, which helps fortify the fragile hair. This mask will help bring your hair back to life, feeling stronger and healthier than ever!

Hair Masks Do’s and Don’ts

Do: Use the appropriate hair mask for your hair

Although it may be overwhelming, it is important to use a hair mask tailored to your hair type. Similar to skin care products, the ingredients in each product are meant to repair the hair in different ways. Using the wrong product can not only leave your hair unrepaired, but could possibly make it worse. Arganatural’s detailed selection makes it easy to choose the perfect mask for you!

Dont: Overuse it

It is easy to overdo it with a hair mask since the results can be so satisfying, however, it is important that you don’t. Too much of a mask can cause the hair to be weighed down, and eventually become oily. It is suggested that Arganatural’s hair masks be used once per week. There is the occasional instance when thicker, curlier hair can benefit from using it a bit more often.

Do: Use multiple hair masks

We all eventually find that perfect hair mask that repairs the exact problem we are aiming to fix. However, it is unlikely that our hair only possesses one problem. Don’t be afraid to alternate between different hair masks, with different benefits as your hair will appreciate the all around fix. So, don’t be shy and use all three hair masks by Arganatural as your hair will be left strong, nourished, and healthy!

Don’t: Apply to completely dry or wet hair

Applying your mask to damp hair is when you will notice the largest difference in your hair. Although applying the mask to dry hair can sometimes work, the mask will better cling on to wet and clean hair. On the other hand, applying the masks to completely wet hair could cause a minor issue: the oil will repel from your wet hair (and therefore not work as well). Because Arganatural’s masks are infused with essential oils such as coconut, argan, and castor oil, applying to damp hair is ideal.

Jasmin Menendez